Choosing frame colours

Choosing frame colours

This article links to the framing video I posted, showing how to construct the custom frames from Jacksons Art. I touch upon choosing colours for the frames that set off the artwork to its best advantage, and thought I’d write a short piece elaborating on...
Painting not panicking.

Painting not panicking.

The Night Prowler  I’m at home, looking at my newly blank diary for the next three months; abandoned shows, cancelled contracts, delayed commissions. It is worrying but I am trying to view it as an opportunity for me to get into the studio and really get to work...
Felicia Forte portrait workshop

Felicia Forte portrait workshop

“Success is a string of failures” Vincent Van Gogh There is no point in standing still as an artist, if we continue to paint same things over and over, sticking to the same formula, however successful, our work quickly becomes stale, and we tire of producing it, which...
Studio Stories #1 Camilla Dowse

Studio Stories #1 Camilla Dowse

This is the first in a series of interviews with professional artists. It is more of a discussion between artists than a formal interview, and touches on the highs and lows of being a full time artist, with plenty of do and donts for those considering a career in the...